While cancer is always a worrisome diagnosis for pet owners, there is good news. With recent advances in the field of veterinary oncology, we are increasingly able to achieve long-term control of cancer in pets. What’s more, most pets tolerate treatment extremely well; in fact, the adverse side effects sometimes seen in humans undergoing chemotherapy are rare in pets.
Here at LIVS, our oncology team works with you and your primary care veterinarian to select the most appropriate treatment plan for your pet’s cancer diagnosis. Our goal is always to preserve the highest quality of life and keep you and your pet together for as long as possible.
Leading-edge cancer therapies and clinical trials available
Oncology services available at LIVS
Know that the LIVS oncology team has advanced training in the diagnosis, staging, and treatment of cancer, and offers some of the most advanced veterinary oncologic care available today.
Leading-edge cancer therapies including:
Drugs that target fast-growing cancer cells while sparing healthy cells; these drugs may be given orally, subcutaneously, intravenously, or directly into the tumor or body cavity affected by the tumor
Oncologic surgery can a remove a section of a tumor for examination (incisional biopsy), or remove all visible tumor for both eradication and examination
A treatment designed to stimulate the body’s own immune response to resist cancer
Radiation therapy : Using high-energy radiation to shrink tumors and kill cancer cells; techniques include both brachytherapy (when radioactive material is placed inside your pet’s body) and external-beam radiation therapy
Extensive diagnostic capabilities
including advanced diagnostic imaging and an in-house laboratory with expert interpretation of tissue samples by board-certified pathologists
Clinical trials
To evaluate the efficacy of new cancer treatments; LIVS is a member of the Veterinary Cooperative Oncology Group, giving your pet access to novel treatments before they’re widely available, often at subsidized rates
Long-term follow-up
We closely monitor pets during active treatment as well as after treatment is completed
Hospice care
When a cure isn’t possible, we offer supportive end-of-life care to enhance quality of life for pets with advanced stages of cancer
Learn about some of the most common cancers we see